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COVID-19 Hackathons

With the global outbreak of COVID-19 and the race to stop the spread of the disease, communities of tech professionals, data scientists, healthcare professionals, designers, researchers and entrepreneurs are coming together online to collaborate, innovate and quickly find solutions through hackathons. There are many hackathons taking place across Europe; below is a list of current and upcoming hackathons which we will keep updated.


If you have any updates or additions, or would like to speak to us about your hackathon please get in touch

CoronaHack - AI vs. Covid-19

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18 -19 April

Objective - Please join us for this high profile hackathon designed to accelerate approaches to monitoring, diagnosing and controlling the CoronaVirus. This event will shortly go virtual through a platform with full access to covid-19 datasets and other technology.

You will work collaboratively with top data scientists, biomedical researchers, vaccine specialists, startup founders and investors to developing innovative approaches to the current crisis.

Outcomes: The event concluded on 19th April with virtual presentations from the 20 teams on Microsoft Teams platform. Each team was given 5 minutes to present and cover the area of research they had addressed, how they went about it, the results and how they intended to develop the projects further. 4 teams wrer selected as winners with the help of judges from HDRUK and The Francis Crick Institute:

1st place: Team MaPP* - Using machine learning and Tensorflow to create predictive neural network models. The aim is to understand leading indicators of Disease Severity and the closely related topic of First Diagnosis.

2nd place: Team Alpacas Covid19 - The team aims at using X-ray images and clinical data to allow non-specialist classification and categorisation of Covid-19.

Tied for 3rd place: Team CovidBALI - In this project, the team aimed to mine rules identifying clinical variables that could be used to identify patient risk groups for auguring their COVID-19 morbidity.

Tied for 3rd place: Team Foo Bar - This team’s effort was focused on the annotation prediction similarity and comparative analysis of all SARS-Cov2 (COVID19) genomes publicly available.

You can read more here


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24 - 26 April

Objective - The European Commission, in close collaboration with EU member states, will host a pan-European hackathon to connect civil society, innovators, partners and buyers across Europe to develop innovative solutions to overcome coronavirus-related challenges. This online event will facilitate match-making with end-users, such as hospitals, and provide access to investors, corporates, foundations and other funding opportunities from across the EU.

Outcomes: The results of the EUvsVirus Hackathon are online:

#EuvsVirus is the mission-driven initiative that has proven to be extremely efficient in the fight against this unexpected and world-changing challenge: coronavirus.

#EuvsVirus created 2,164 multi-disciplinary, multi-nationality teams with innovative solutions throughout April, then sparked the development of 2,235 new cross-European partnerships by matching the best 120 teams with 500+ supportive partners.

You can view the winners here

You can view the final report from the event here

Hack Quarantine

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23 March - 13 April

Objective - A fully-online, people-focused hackathon bringing people together to use their skills to help combat the issues the world is facing with the COVID-19 pandemic. By working with medical professionals and industry, we’ll provide the knowledge and tools to empower hackers to work towards around improving health, remote working and helping vulnerable populations.

Hack for Wuhan

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6-8 March

Objective: Develop applications for public welfare in Wuhan. Help unite mission-driven developers and innovators to combat an international outbreak crisis. Organisers will provide professional technical support to accompany your inspiration, and you will have the opportunity to work with mentors from Stanford, MIT, Harvard, Andreessen Horowitz, GSR Venture, Google, Facebook, ByteDance and startups in Silicon Valley, China, and India.

Outomes: see:, 1)  information service website, 2) 2020 Wuhan rescue - real-time data service platform with information on hospitals, factories and procurement, allowing anyone with relevant skills to participate in the initiative, 3) Wuhan2020 open source community - a community independently built by developers during the outbreak of COVID-19. The community provides a platform for technical exchange and practice for developers, 4) COVID-19 navigation site - provides the public with a convenient and comprehensive information portal with online resources and archival information related to COVID-19.

Coronathon Türkiye

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21 March - ongoing

Outcomes: See list of award winning projects:

1) Biotel - Using a device from our Molecular Biology and Genetics dept, we’re increasing the number of conducted tests; 2) BirCan - Bringing together all involved parties on a platform to increase collaborative effort to care for stray animals; 3) CoGuard - A Chabot  to answer people's Covid-19-based health questions and requests; 4) CoronApp -  Mobile app that will alert people who have been contacted/interacted with citizens who’ve been diagnosed with Covid-19. 5) CoroWarner - CoroWarner alerts you instantly and anonymously if you are close to an individual who tested positive for Covid-19; 6) Expona - A Home to home online workshop platform; 7) Fact Checker - We’re developing a system to help news validators fight against false news and information pollution; 8) Güvende Kal! Covid-19 - a mobile app that detects human density with geolocation support and presents this data to its users, at the same time, keeps statistics of symptom and intensity data, allowing users to check their personal health status through known and unknown symptoms of the disease; 9) Kolkola - a "volunteer" marketplace that brings volunteers, NGOs, and sponsors together; 10) Medibook - providing healthcare services with video and remote monitoring modules. 1. Procurement of medicines/products via telemedicine, home delivery of all services including the laboratory and digital process management. 2. Remote monitoring of patients under quarantine at risk of COVID-19 without compromising the health of physicians; 11) Neoanka - With the help of symptom analysis algorithms that will be developed based on artificial intelligence, we will analyze potential Covid-19 patients' symptoms and classifying health complaints into the right specialty branch. This will allow patients a shortcut to the right physicians and related specialty branch to get the right medical care fast; 12) Studio live classes App.

Hack Corona (Dutch Hacking Health)

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27 March - 5 April  - ongoing

Objective - The goal of this hackathon is to find solutions to problems caused by the corona pandemic and the measures that are taken for this. We do this digitally, so everyone can participate: from home (quarantine) or your workplace!

1. Collect bottlenecks & ideas on Sparkboard (until March 26).
2. Collaborating on solutions in Webex (until March 26).
3. Online design sprint for the (complex) problems that remain (27 to 31 March). 1. Collect bottlenecks & ideas on Sparkboard We collect bottlenecks and problems in one place: the Hack Corona Sparkboard. Anyone can submit a problem here. This is possible until March 26. Solutions may already be available for some problems. Anyone can link the problems raised to existing solutions (for example from a different region) on Sparkboard in the comments. This prevents reinventing the wheel.

Outcomes: Can be accessed here -

Hack de Crisis Belgium

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27 - 29 March

Objective -  On the weekend of March 27-29, the Belgian startup community brings the Hack the Crisis movement to Belgium.

Inspired by previous initiatives in other European countries, the Belgian edition will be an intense weekend during which several teams will work remotely on various societal problems, all of which are linked to the corona crisis.

This public online event invites developers, innovative companies, tech players, creatives, and everyone who wants to join forces to, virtually, put the minds together and come up with innovative solutions to counter this crisis.

Outcomes: Top 10 best pitches: 1)  Corona Home Test - website to buy covid-19 home tests, scan results to feed into anonymous statistics, 2) WeCare - app: self tests and recommendations, 3) Analysis mode - puzzle game to contribute to vaccine discovery, 4) - platform te connect pupils with tutors, videoconferences, 5) The companion box - simple box to provide video conference by pushing single button for elderly people, open source, 6) HEPA filter masks for everyone at home, 7) ER Phone home - emergency care at home, app + GP dashboard, 8) Panda training - affordable, scalable coaching for managers that have to manage their team remotely, 9) artist unlimited - live-streaming platform, 10) - fake news checker using AI

Watch the closing livestream

Hack from Home (Dataswift)

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4 - 5 April

Objective -  The Hack from Home Global Virtual Hackathon is a collaboration of developers, designers, data scientists and entrepreneurs trying to make a difference against COVID-19. The international effort has pioneered privacy-preserving, ethical tech applications that further the advancement of Citizen Science, Community Health, and Mass Data Coordination in our communities, and on the front lines of the fight against the disease.

Outcomes: Hack from Home brought together 822 technology professionals to build health and health technology applications, ranging from the accurate modelling of refugee infection to traffic-lighting in community exposure. A positive, supportive, and impact-oriented community, it has made significant strides towards helping citizens, health professionals, and the international public adjust to life and work fighting the disease.

Total number of participants - 882

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