DED - Free State of Saxony / Freistaat Sachsen
Total population (2019): 4,077,937
Population per km² (2019): 224
Proportion population older 65 year %: 26,15%
Regional Innovation Performance (2021): Dresden Strong Innovator +; Chemnitz Strong Innovator – ; Leipzig Strong Innovator +
The Free State of Saxony is a landlocked state of Germany, bordering the states of Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Bavaria, as well as the countries of Poland and the Czech Republic. The regions’ S3 priorities include a focus on ICT and digital communication: IT infrastructures, e-commerce, e-business, e-government, software development, IT services, mobile embedded elements for communication among daily objects and towards their environment (embedded systems and internet of things), self-learning systems for the creation and storage of knowledge and learning, time and resource efficient computing systems for simulation and visualisation, applications for IT security with legal implications (identity management, authentification, linking information) and cyber physical systems. There is also a focus on photonics, nantechnology, biotechnology, new materials and advanced production technologies.
Is the region looking for international/European/interregional collaboration opportunities? Yes, We are currently continuing our participation in ERA PerMed.
Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation for Smart Specialisation (RIS3)
PM@RIS3? Yes
Membership status
Regions4PM region
Central Europe
1M+Genome initiative - country level member
European Regions Research & Innovation Network (ERRIN)
Vanguard Initiative
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