Fl1C - Etelä-Suomi
Innovation Performance Group (2021) : Strong +
Total population (2019): 1152719
Population per km² (2019): 37
Proportion population older 65 year %: 24,80%
Etelä-Suomi is the most populous region of Finland, it also has the highest economic and innovation activity. The region has a strong base supported by a strong national policy in co-ordination.This has been based on the systemic approach to innovation policy at the national level since the early 1990s, which has emphasized the importance of interdependencies and collaboration among research organisations, universities, firms, and industries due to increasing importance of knowledge as a competitive asset.
Is the region looking for international/European/interregional collaboration opportunities?
Yes - Smart Specialisation Platforms (Personalised medicine, Medical technology)
Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation for Smart Specialisation (RIS3)
Policy document PM@RIS3: Yes
Major initiatives
Auria Clinical informatics (EU Digital innovation hub status)
Turku center for disease modeling TCDM research center
Turku bioimaging research center www.bioimaging.fi
Collaborations with Helsinki, Tampere, Oulu
Acute Team in Youth Psychiatric Services Targeted to the Residential Child Care
Baltic eLearning in Health and Medical Informatics
Baltic Sea Region Network in Doctoral Training in Nursing/Health Sciences
City Twins Co-operation Network
Co-operation in networks of child care issues
Cross-border co-operation in healthy exercise
eMedic - Developing New Practices for Teleconsultation and Diabetes
Health education and social advice for low-income families with young children centralbaltic.eu/projects
Skills for social and working life for the middle-aged men with past addiction problems
Networking as a resource in elderly care
Simulation pedagogy in learning ethics in practice in health care
Digital Innovation Hubs:
Membership status
Baltic Sea MacroRegion
Council of European BioRegions (CEBR)
1M+Genome initiative - country level member
Edited from:Original artist: Ningyou. SVG-map created by Care, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons