PT15 - Algarve
Regional Innovation Performance (2021) Emerging +
Population per km² (2019) 89
Proportion population older 65 year % 21,64%
The Algarve is the southernmost region of continental Portugal, with a population of 451,000. It incorporates sixteen different municipalities. The strategic vision for the region is to "Transform the Algarve in 2020 to a dynamic, inclusive and sustainable region, capable of generating more and better jobs, produce goods and services with high added value, using innovation and scientific knowledge…."
The region will focus on, amongst others, S3 priorities in the emerging sectors of health and life sciences, with a focus on addressing social needs, such as care for older people from abroad, and rehabilitation.
Is the region looking for international/European/interregional collaboration opportunities? Yes
Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation for Smart Specialisation (RIS3)
Policy document PM@RIS3: Yes
Major initiatives
Digital Innovation Hub :
Is the region represented in: Horizon2020; Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy Platforms/Partnerships (RIS3); EIT Health/InnoStars/Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS); other?
Region represented in Horizon2020;EUREKA/Eurostars/COSME
Membership status
1M+Genome initiative? country level member
Image attribution - By Rei-artur - Own work, CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=497608