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Precision medicine overview in European regions
Here you will find an overview of the various initiatives and competencies in European regions involved in precision medicine.
Please note that lists are subjective and may have limits and were based upon:
internet research / website searches
on NUTS levels; not on organisations
principally on NUTS2 except if
specifically other level is member
if we work on another level :
only EU/associated
​Personalised Medicine Initiatives
1 million+ Initiative
ICPerMed Members
EU PM Region
RIS3 PM Priority
S3P4PM Region
Other Initiatives​
Council of European Bioregions (CEBR)
ERRIN members
EUREGHA members
RIS3 Health Keyword
S3 MedTech Region
S3 ClusSport
Vanguard Initiative
JAseHN (Joint Action to Support the eHealth Network)
Geographical Information
Adriatic-Ionian Region
Alpine Region
Baltic Sea Region
Danube MAcroRegions
Interreg Central Europe
Northern Sparsely Populated Areas (NSPA)
Mountain, remote, island, sparsely populated regions
Southern Sparsely Populated Regions (SSPA)
Competencies in EU countries
Finland - Etelä-Suomi
Finland - Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
Germany - Sachsen
Germany - Berlin
Italy - Piemonte
Italy - Provincia Autonoma di Trento
Italy - Tuscany
Netherlands - National level
Netherlands - Limburg
Netherlands - Noord-Brabant
Northern Ireland
Poland - National level
Spain - Extremadura
Overview documents
The below lists and reports are not exhaustive as we are still working to update these, if you would like your regional information to be represented please contact us.
Document - Overview of PM stakeholders in EU regions
Document - Overview of biobanks and genomic initiatives in EU regions
Document - Overview of interregional project collaborations per project
Document - Overview of interregional project collaborations per region
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