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Personalised health – region specific needs and barriers – an interactive workshop 12th & 13th March

SAPHIRe will host it’s first interactive Workshop on “Personalised health –Region specific needs and barriers”. The event will bring together regional stakeholders from academia, industry, regulatory and policy domains.

SAPHIRe’s first thematic workshop will take place on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th of March in the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts (KVAB), Brussels, Belgium.

This workshop will discuss the regional needs and barriers that interfere with personalised medicine implementation, and how to address these. The discussion groups will consist of a mixture of policy officers and scientific experts across European regions. This workshop therefor is an excellent chance to identify the needs and barriers important for your region of interest and to put them on the European agenda. It is furthermore the ideal opportunity to meet with other regional stakeholders and to learn from each other.

Participation of the workshop will be on a first-come first-served basis. More information on the programme and registration will follow soon.

If you would like any further information please contact Jolien Roovers :

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