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Precision medicine accelerator launches in UK

Updated: Jan 15

UCL together with Barclays and Capital Enterprise have launched a UK precision medicine accelerator, the P4 Precision Medicine programme, for start-ups specialising in disease treatment and prevention.

The first cohort will see 12 of the world’s best precision medicine start-ups complete a six-month programme that brings together industry, healthcare and academia for the first time to create a new ecosystem dedicated to preventive, precise and personalised medicine for all.

Phil Beales, Professor of medical genetics at UCL: “Precision medicine is a new paradigm for disease treatment and prevention that considers an individual’s variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle. It is transforming how all patients are being treated. For precision medicine to become the norm, actors from the healthcare, industry and academic sectors must work together to find new solutions"

For more information about the programme visit

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